Monday, March 23, 2009


So March a flew by. I can't believe that April is almost here and Anna will three months old. So April 1st we will be living in our house I gave Grant a move in date. April is going to be a busy month Grant b-day is in april and Amanda and Todd wedding reception on the same day as grant's b-day, we aslo have prom all in the same day, oh and I'm having a lia sophia party to. So I think I found a place for us to get married yeah for that!!!! that is about it on the wedding plans. work is going ok, I enjoy haveing the week off, but i'm sure it is going to hard to since the weather is strarting to get nicer, but oh well .

Monday, March 9, 2009

Soon to be Mrs. Lengacher

So I'm going to be Erica Jane Lengacher on October 31 of this year. Yeah Grant and I are finally getting married eight years and one sweet baby girl later. It hasn't been the easy eight years of my life but I wouldn't change for a million bucks!! We are also going to be moving in our house this week and possible next week and starting our lives a family. I also am going to be a offical member of Lengacher family, I always was a part of the family but know my last name will match, and John can introduce me as his daughter-in-law instead of Grant's girlfriend !!!! I'm so exicted I wish it was here already.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Namesakes/First weekend back to work

This picture is of Marlene, Anna, and Jill. Grant named her after them and also he named her after their grandma Graber who's name is Anna Marie (but I don't have a picture of them together yet) For those who don't know Grant and Jill's mom is no longer with us she die of cancer a few years. Grant told me one time that he name Anna after the women who are important to him.

I also went back to work this past weekend. It was alittle rough on me I miss Anna alot I was always thinking about her. From what I understand she also gave her dad a little bit of a hard time. I tired to tell him that mommies always make things better and that some day there will be nothing I can do for her, and all she will want is her daddy.