Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hello To Everyone!!

Just wanted to give an little on my little family. I got my wisdom teeth cut out last Friday, I'm still kind of recovering from that, my jaws still kind of hurt I don't remember a thing Dr. Monesmith in Jasper did the procedure. I got the gas and an IV sedation. My dad took he said I acted like I was drunk. All I remember about the whole thing was getting there and then I was at home it was wonderful. I took Anna to get her 6 months shots the other day, when we go there we were like number 28 and we got there at like 9 am, we waited forever I will not go back to that clinic again. My birthday is coming up towards the end of sept. actually it is the 30th of sept. just to let people know. Anna is keeping me very busy theses days. She is always finding some corner to crawl in or finding some shoe to try chewing on. She is a mess. She has this fake cry that she does every time I change her clothes or diaper, she is very funny. Turkey Trot is coming up trying to decied if I want to go I mite take anna one nite durring the week not for sure if i will ask off that weekend or not I only get one weekend off a six week placement. So I choose my weekends carefully.So I have talked about everybody but Grant he is fine still the same old Grant. He will be in Chicigo next weekend first weekend since we moved in together he will be gone. So Anna and I will on our own that weekend, but my friend Sara and Holly will be home so we'll have stuff to do.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

6 months

Anna Marlene Lengacher is 6 months old today!!! I can't believe my is 6 months old. She makes me laugh everyday. She like to yell our is no longer quite unless she is a sleep or eating. She is rolls all over the place she hasn't started to crawl yet. She gets up and her hands and knees but that is about it. She loves to go swimming, she is a water baby. She is starting to look more and more like her dad, she defiantly acts like him that is for sure. I call her little Grant which could be either a good thing or bad I haven't figured that one out yet. As I type to you all she is sitting in her bouncer chair trying to get out of she doesn't like to stay in one spot for long.